
Don't Forget- Have Your Teeth Professionally Cleaned by a Dentist

Floss Daily for Good Oral Hygiene

There is a special way that you can floss while you have braces for good oral hygiene. Many times, people are tempted to skip the flossing during braces because it can be a little intimidating and difficult.

Flossing while you have braces is very important. It can prevent your gums from swelling over the braces themselves. If you have forgotten the flossing technique please visit our website for more information.

Don't Forget- Have Your Teeth Professionally Cleaned by a Dentist
Dental cleaning is important for good oral hygiene when in braces. It prevents cavities from forming under the braces. With poor oral hygiene you can end up with yellow spots or even cavities after braces are removed. It is imperative that you visit your dentist every six month for dental cleanings while you are in braces. Call us if you have any questions!

Brush Teeth More Often with Braces for Good Oral Hygiene

Food is more likely to get lodged in brackets and other ortho appliances. Please brush your teeth more often during orthodontic treatment.