
National Smile Month at Forever Smiles

What is the first thing you notice about someone? Is it their smile, eyes, maybe their body? Actually, according to the American Dental Association, a person’s smile outranked all of that as the most important physical feature. At Forever Smiles, Dr. Razdolsky and Dr. Vij are committed to making your smile the first thing everyone notices! Now that we’re in June, we would like to remind all of our patients to smile wide! After all, June is National Smile Month, and a great time to promote good dental habits such as brushing, flossing and visiting the dentist, in addition to taking care of your braces. During the hot summer month drink plenty of water and take it easy on carbonated drinks.

Studies related to poor oral hygiene as a risk factor for infective endocarditis - related bacteremias were conducted by Peter Lockhart et al. showing that oral hygiene and gingival disease indexes were associated significantly with Infective Endocarditis(IE)-related bacteremia after toothbrushing. It is concluded that bacteremia after toothbrushing is associated with poor oral hygiene and gingival bleeding after toothbrushing. So, in plain english, improvements in oral hygiene may reduce the risk of developing IE. Questions? Give us a call, or check out our web site.

Happy National Smile Month!